
TicketLine 7

Innovative - sustainable - Made in Germany

The latest Pay&Display ticket machine of WSA electronic "TicketLine7" embodies solutions at the highest technical level of our modular high - tech kit.


TicketLine economy

Innovative - sustainable - Made in Germany

The economic alternative.


TicketLine ParkingOffice

Always up to date - secure access

The TicketLine ParkingOffice® is the latest generation of our central monitoring and administration solution for TicketLine pay and display ticket machines.



TicketLine 7psa7

The new “TicketLine7″ has been consistently focused on the development on the demands of modern parking management: innovative, reliable and totally efficient. User-friendliness, the highest level of safety and energy efficiency are just some of the characteristics of the PDM.

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TicketLine P8

The new generation of TicketLine Pay&Display machines by WSA provides economical solutions on highest technical level…

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TicketLine ParkingOffice®parking-office

The TicketLine ParkingOffice® is the latest generation of our central monitoring and administration solution for TicketLine pay&display machines.

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